Anti-smoking Funny Clip

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Anti-smoking funny video - Tobacco Kills: Straight to the point hilarious - funny smart public service ad trying to relate what smoking could do to you.  I exceptionally liked the resemblance of sudden collapse to the  sudden deterioration in health.







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Amazing Lion Hug
Anti-smoking Funny Clip
Arguing Twins
Be Still
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Breast Exam
Cute Cats
Dreamy Commercial
Electric Shock Prank
Fanta Sneeze
Fidel Castro Complaining
French Gentleman
Friends Dirty Prank
Fun Video Messaging
Funny Wii Baby Laugh
Getting Directions Risks
Glass Door Prank
Helen the translator
Hi Jack Funny Accident
Italian Time
Indian Genius
Jamaican Hair
Karate Chimp
Learn to Drive
Life Saver
Lingerie Effect
Lotto Fun Ad
Matrix Parody
Menopausal Women
Michael Schumacher
Moonwalk Seducing Dance
Motorcycles Funny Ad
Motorcycles Sounds
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Rent a Car
Room 808
Russian Army New Secret Weapon
Second Thoughts
Sensitive and Delicate
Strong Mouse
Surprised Kitten
Tucking Belly In
Video Conferencing
WMD or Not
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