American Lebanese Entrepreneurs

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Famous Entrepreneurs of Lebanese Descent - Businessmen and business women

  1. Abdo Sabban: Founder / Real Estate Co.
  2. Bill Rouhana Jr.: CEO / Winstar
  3. Bob Manikian: Personal Brokers/ Prince of Brunei 
  4. Bryan J. Zwan Ph.D.: Founder / Digital Lightwave
  5. Charles Rozwat: Executive VP / Oracle
  6. Edmond Safra: Owner / Republic Bank of New York
  7. Paul Orfalea: Founder and CEO / Kinko's
  8. Fred Maroon: Photographer and Author / White House
  9. George A. Hamid, Jr.: Owner / Circus
  10. George Boutros: Acquisition Banker / Credit Suisse First Boston 
  11. George Shaheen: President / Anderson Consulting
  12. Hasib Sabbagh: Founder / Center for Muslim Christian Understanding at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. 
  13. Helen Thomas: Dean / White House Press Corps
  14. Henry Asseily:Founder/
  15. Jack Nasser: President / Ford Motor Company
  16. John Mack: President / Morgan Stanley Group
  17. John Zogby: Founder / Zogby International
  18. Joseph Abboud: Designer and Founder/ Joseph Abboud
  19. Joseph D. Jamail: Lawyer / Pennzoil 
  20. Joseph Marion Haggar: Founder / Haggar Clothing Corporation
  21. Joseph Shaker: President / Shaker Advertising
  22. Lucie Salhany: Chairwoman / Fox Broadcasting Co
  23. Mansour Farah: Manufacturer and Founder / Farah's Menwear
  24. Matthew Mikhael: Owner / MJM Constructions, MJM Home Improvement, and MJM Vinyl Sidings
  25. Ned Mansour: President / Mattel
  26. Nicolas Hayek:Co-founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors / Swatch Group
  27. Norma Kamali: Designer / OMO Norma Kamali
  28. Patrice Samara: Emmy-Award winning producer and President / Triumph Entertainment
  29. Peter J. Tanous: President / Lynx Investment Advisory
  30. Ray Irani, PhD: Chairman /Occidental Petroleum. 
  31. Ray Jallow, PhD: Financial expert
  32. Robert Abboud: President / First National Bank of Chicago
  33. Roger Farah: President / Polo Ralph Lauren Corp.
  34. Sam Maloof: Furniture maker 
  35. Tony Ismail: Entrepreneur and Founder / The Alamo Flag Company
  36. Tony Fadell: Director/Apple Ipod Division
  37. Waleed Ali & Malik Ali: Founders / MPI


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