American Lebanese Politicians

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Famous Politicians of Lebanese Descent

Titles are either current or past

  1. Abraham Kazen Jr. - Congressman /Texas
  2. Anthony Solomon: State treasurer / Rohde Island
  3. Benjamin C. Baroody: State representative: New Hampshire
  4. Brenda Elias: Mayor / Franklin, New Hampshire
  5. Brian Wahby: Assistant city treasurer / St. Louis, MO
  6. Chris Abboud: State Senator / Nebraska
  7. Chris John - Congressman / Louisiana
  8. Daniel Issa: State Senator / Rohde Island
  9. Darrell Issa: Congressman / California
  10. David Cappiello: State Representative / Connecticut
  11. David Karem: State Senator / Kentucky
  12. Don Korrey: County commissioner / Logan County, CO
  13. Donna Shlela: Secretary of Health and Human Services
  14. Edward Gabriel: U.S. Ambassador / Morocco
  15. Edward J. Elum, Jr.: Judge / Massillon, OH
  16. Elias Francis: Lieutenant Governor / New Mexico
  17. Francis Slay: Mayor / St. Louis 
  18. George Crady: State Representative / Florida
  19. George Ellis: Judge / Texas court of appeals
  20. George Kasem: State Congressman / California
  21. George Latimer: Mayor / St. Paul Minnesota
  22. George Mitchell: Congressman / Maine
  23. George Mowad - Mayor / Oakdale, LA
  24. George Shadid: State Senator / Illinois
  25. Harry Meshel: State Senator / Ohio
  26. Helen Bishara Huey: City Council / Houston, TX
  27. Henry W. Saad / Michigan Court of Appeals Judge / President George W. Bush's nominee to the 6th Circuit                Court Of Appeals.
  28. Herb Mocol - Mayor / Mankato, MN
  29. James Abdnor: Senator / South Dakota
  30. James Abourezk: Senator / South Dakota
  31. James J. Tayoun: City Council / Philadelphia, PA
  32. James Kaddo: Judge / Supreme Court of California
  33. James Maloof: Mayor / Peoria, IL
  34. Jean Shaheen: Governor / New Hampshire
  35. Jeannie A. Gregory: City Clerk / South Pasadena, CA
  36. Jeanine F Pirro, Born Jeanine Ferris / Westchester County Dist Attorney / Running for Hillary Clinton Senator Seat in New York in 2006
  37. Joan Haddad Saliba: Mayor / Hartwell, GA
  38. Joe Farris: State Delegate / West Virginia
  39. John Akouri: City Councilman / Farmington, MI
  40. John Ash - Mayor / Olean, NY
  41. John Baldacci: Congressman / Maine
  42. John E. Sununu: Senator / New Hampshire
  43. John Sununu: Governer / Hampshire Also White House Chief of Staff
  44. Joseph Nahra: Judge / Court of Appeals, Ohio
  45. Joseph P. Ganim: Mayor / Bridgeport, CT
  46. Lee Namey: Mayor / Wilkes-Barre, PA
  47. Michael J. Jarjura: State Representative / Connecticut
  48. Nick Joe Rahall II: Congressman / West Virginia
  49. Pat Danner: Congresswoman / Missouri
  50. Pete Karem: Chief Justice / Circuit Court Jefferson County, KY
  51. Philip Habib: U.S. Ambassador and Presidential Envoy / Middle east
  52. Ralph Nader: Presidential candidate and consumer advocate
  53. Randel C. Shadid: Mayor / Edmond, OK
  54. Ray LaHood: Congressman / Illinois
  55. Richard Iyoub: Attorney General / Louisiana
  56. Richard Thomas: County Commission Chairman / Hampden County, MA
  57. Rose Allan Tucker: County Commission Chairwoman / Luzerne County, PA
  58. Ruth Joseph: Mayor / Waterville, MA
  59. Selwa Roosevelt: Chief of Protocol / White House
  60. Spencer Abraham: Secretary of Energy/ White House
  61. Stephen Kafoury: State Senator / Oregon
  62. Steven Kfoury: City Council President / Lawrence, MA
  63. Suzanne Azar: Mayor / El Paso, TX
  64. Teresa Issac: Vice Mayor / Lexington, KY
  65. Thomas A. Nassif: U.S. Ambassador / Morocco
  66. Thomas Lazieh: Mayor / Central Falls, Rohde Island
  67. Timothy Bryan: City Council / Massillon, OH
  68. Toby Moffett: Congressional Member / Connecticut
  69. Tracy A. Yokich: State Representative / Michigan
  70. Victor Atiyeh: Governor / Oregon
  71. William A. Hamzy: State Representative / Connecticut
  72. William N. Aswad: State Representative / Vermont


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