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Arabic to English Translation
Fun way of translating some Arabic - Lebanese terms word by
word to English. lol. If this highlights anything, it will highlight the
difficulties of learning colloquial Arabic.
- مقبلات = Kissers
- مقلوبة = Upside down
- جوز هند = Hinds Husband
- معمول بالجوز = Made in husband
- قمار= Moons
- مكتب المراجعات = Vomit office
- لم أهرب قط = I never escaped a
- يتقبل = To be kissed
- السلطة المطلقة = Divorced salad
- خطر على بالي = Danger on my mind
- لا يمت لي بصلة = He does not die
to me an onion
- كفيل = Like an elephant
- جوزين جوارب = Two husbands of
- نه أُمي = He is my mother
- حقك علي = Your price on me
- خليها على حسابي = Keep it on my
- سعيد كتب كتابه على فيفي = Happy
wrote his book on In In
- حباب = Loved a door
- دستور يا أهل الدار = Constitution
home parents
- قدر ظروفي = Evaluate my envelopes
- ليش يابعد عمري = Why after my age
- ظروف قاهرة = Cairo envelopes
- راحت عليك = She went on you
- من هون لهون = From here to here
- يستر على عرضك = Cover on your
- طبيب عصبية = A doctor on a young
- أنا أدفع الحساب = I push the
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