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Mental Abilities Challenges and Riddles

  • Try to guess what is meant without scrolling down first.  For example, 

the answer for one is " 26 Letters of the Alphabet"  Remember, this is 

USA flavored test and it does not measure your intelligence.  It measures 

your knowledge of mental flexibility and creativity.  The author for this test is 

unknown; nevertheless, is a genius :-)


Please make sure you email any new stuff.  The email is in this page

1)   26 L. of the A. 41)  29 D. in F. in a L. Y.
2)  7 W. of the A. W. 42)  3 P. for a F. G. in F.
3)  1,001 A. N. 43)  1,000 W. that a P. is W.
4)  12 S. of the Z. 44)  56 S. of the D. of I.
5)  54 C. in a D. (with J.) 45)  20 Y. that R. V. W. S.
6)  9 P. in the S. S. 46)  40 T (with A. B.)
7)  88 P. K. 47)  30 D. H. S. A. J. and N.
8)  13 S. on the A. F. 48)  32 D. F. at which W. F.
9)  1 D. at a T. 49)  10 A. in the B. of R.
10)  18 H. on a G. C. 50)  435 M. of the H. of R.
11)  90 D. in a R. A. 51)  31 I. C. F. at B.-R.
12)  50 C. in a H. D. 52)  200 D. for P. G. in M.
13)  8 S. on a S. S. 53)  2 T. D. (and a P. in a P. T.)
14)  3 B. M. (S. H. T. R.) 54)  4 H. of the A.
15)  4 Q. in a G. 55)  40 D. and N. of the G. F.
16)  24 H. in a D. 56)  8 P. of S. in the E. L.
17)  1 W. on a U. 57)  9 I. in a B. G.
18)  5 D. in a Z. C. 58)  1 R. A. in E. B.
19)  57 H. V. 59)  76 T. that L. the B. P.
20)  11 P. on a F. T. 60)  3 L. K. that L. T. M.
21)  7 H. of R. 61)  4 S. on a V.
22)  101 D. 62)  5 T. on a C. (including S. in T.)
23)  64 S. on a C. B. 63)  6 P. on a P. T.
24)  13 C. in a S. 64)  7 Y. of B. L. for B. a M.
25)  10 L. I. 65)  2 G. for E. B. (in the B. B. S.)
26)  20,000 L. U. T. S. 66)  9 J. of the S. C.
27)  13 O. C. 67)  10 D. in a T. N. (including the A. C.)
28)  12 K. of the R. T. 68)  20 C. in a P.
29)  13 in a B. D. 69)  3 S. Y. O. at the O. B. G.
30)  66 B. of the B. 70)  1 C. Y. in K. A. C.
31)  10 D. in a D. 71)  3 W. from the G. in the B.
32)  15 M on a D. M. C. 72)  20 Q. (A., V., or M.)
33)  80 D. A. the W. 73)  7 D. with S. W.
34)  24 B. B. in a P. 74)  30 S. over T.
35)  7 B. for 7 B. 75)  8 D. a W. (in the B. S.)
36)  36 I. in a Y. 76)  212 D. F. at which W. B.
37)  6 W. of H. the E. 77)  4 P. on M. R.
38)  2,000 P. in a T. 78)  10 D. in a R. of Q.
39)  60 S. in a M. 79)  48 S. in the C. U. S.
40)  5 F. on the H. 80)  7 C. on the E.
81)  2 G. of V.

Answers to Mental Abilities Test

1)  26 letters of the alphabet 41)  29 days in February in a leap year
2)  7 wonders of the ancient world 42)  3 points for a field goal in football
3)  1001 Arabian Nights 43)  1000 words that a picture is worth
4)  12 signs of the zodiac 44)  56 signers of the Declaration of Independence
5)  54 cards in a deck (with jokers) 45)  20 years that Rip Van Winkle slept
6)  9 planets in the solar system 46)  40 thieves (with Ali Baba)
7)  88 piano keys 47)  30 days has September, April, January, and November
8)  13 stripes on the American flag 48)  32 degrees Farenheidt at which water freezes
9)  1 day at a time 49)  10 amendments in the Bill of Rights
10)  18 holes on a golf course 50)  435 members of the House of Representatives
11)  90 degrees in a right angle 51)  31 ice cream flavors at Baskin-Robbins
12)  50 cents in a half dollar 52)  200 dollars for passing go in Monopoly
13)  8 sides on a stop sign 53)  2 turtle doves (and a partridge in a pear tree)
14)  3 blind mice (see how they run) 54)  4 horsemen of the apocalypse
15)  4 quarts in a gallon 55)  40 days and nights of the great flood
16)  24 hours in a day 56)  8 parts of speech in the English language
17)  1 wheel on a unicycle 57)  9 innings in a baseball game
18)  5 digits in a zip code 58)  1 rotten apple in every barrel
19)  57 Heinz varieties 59)  76 trombones that lead the big parade
20)  11 players on a football team 60)  3 little kittens that lost their mittens
21)  7 hills of Rome 61)  4 strings on a violin
22)  101 Dalmations62)  5 tires on a car (including the spare in trunk)
23)  64 squares on a chessboard 63)  6 pockets on a pool table
24)  13 cards in a suit 64)  7 years of bad luck for breaking a mirror
25)  10 little Indians 65)  2 girls for every boy (in the Beach Boys' song)
26)  20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 66)  9 judges of the Supreme Court
27)  13 original colonies 67)  10 digits in a telephone number (including the area code)
28)  12 knights of the round table 68)  20 cigaretts in a pack
29)  13 in a baker's dozen 69)  3 strikes you're out at the old ball game
30)  66 books of the Bible 70)  1 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
31)  10 dimes in a dollar 71)  3 wishes from the genie in the bottle
32)  15 men on a dead man's chest 72)  20 questions (animal, vegtable, or mineral)
33)  80 days around the world 73)  7 dwarfs with Snow White
34)  24 blackbirds baked in a pie 74)  30 Seconds over Tokyo
35)  7 Brides for 7 Brothers 75)  8 Days a Week (in the Beatle's song)
36)  36 inches in a yard 76)  212 degrees Farenheidt at which water boils
37)  6 wives of Henry the Eighth 77)  4 presidents on Mount Rushmore
38)  2,000 pounds in a ton 78)  10 dollars in a roll of quarters
39)  60 seconds in a minute 79)  48 states in the continental United States
40)  5 fingers on the hand 80)  7 continents on the Earth
81)  2 Gentlemen of Verona




And how about this quiz?


1) How long did the Hundred Years War last? 
2) Which country makes Panama hats? 
3) From which animal do we get catgut? 
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? 
5) What is a camel's hair brush made of? 
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? 
7) What was King George VI's first name? 
8) What color is a purple finch? 
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from? 
10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane? 
All done? Check your answers below! 

1) How long did the Hundred Years War last? 
*116 years 
2) Which country makes Panama hats? 
3) From which animal do we get cat gut? 
*Sheep and Horses 
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? 
5) What is a camel's hair coat made of? 
*Squirrel fur 
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? 
7)What was King George VI's first name? 
8)What color is a purple finch? 
9)Where are Chinese gooseberries from? 
*New Zealand 
10)What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane? 
*Orange, of course. 
What do you mean you failed? 
Pass this on to some other brilliant friends


Lateral Thinking.  


1.    ------------              Answer: Man over board

2.   ------------               Scroll down for answer!!!

3. /r/e/a/d/i/n/g/

4.    r

5.   cycle

6.    ------------

7.   ------------

8.         ---------------
    feet feet feet feet feet feet

9.      he's / himself.

10.     ecnalg

11. death ..... life

12.  THINK

13.    ababaaabbbbaaaabbbbababaabbaaabbbb....

1. Ans. = man overboard

2. Ans. = I understand

3. Ans. = reading between the lines

4. Ans. = cross road

5. Ans. = tricycle

6. Ans. = two degrees below zero

7. Ans. = neon light (knee-on-light)

8. Ans. = six feet underground

9. Ans. = he's by himself

10. Ans. = backward glance

11. Ans. = life after death

12. Ans. think big !!

13. Ans. long time no 'C' (see)



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