Sincere Apologies To Everyone
Over the past few years I have forwarded funny pictures and jokes to friends who
I thought shared the same sense of humor. I have also published in similar content.
Unfortunately this wasn't the case and I seem to have upset quite a few people
who have accused me of being sexist and shallow. If you were one of these
people, please accept my humblest apologies.
From now on I will only publish pages and send emails with a
cultural or educational content such as old monuments, nature and other
interesting structures.
Below is a picture of the Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris .
The Pont Neuf, French for the "New Bridge," is the oldest
standing bridge across the river Seine in Paris. Its name, which distinguished
it from the old bridges that were lined on both sides with houses, simply stuck.
Standing by the western point of the Île de la Cité, the island in the middle of
the river that was the heart of medieval Paris, it connects the left bank, the
Rive Gauche of Paris with the Rive Droite, the right bank.
P.S. For those of you who are interested, Pont Neuf took 26
years to build. Construction began in 1578 and ended in 1604. 'Le
Pont Neuf' is actually made of 2 independent bridges, one with seven arches and
the other with five arches. Henri IVs statue is located on the right of the
bridge. It was the first equestrian statue erected in Paris and also the first
statue that was free-standing i.e. not attached to a building. Like other
royal statues, it was melted down during the revolution. It was replaced with an
identical copy in 1818.

Ok, here is the real picture of Pont Neuf :-)
